Sunday, February 8, 2009

Recovery going well

As per my last entry, rested until Thursday and then did small runs on the flat for the rest of the week whilst trying to keep up a reasonable pace. Shin is still sore but everyday it is improving,so really happy.

Week in Summary 35k@4:41

Thursday pm 8k@5:00 It was great to be running again.

Fri am 11k@4:40

Sat pm 8k@4:38

Sun pm 8k@4:28 including 2.4k@ marathon pace or quicker, just to get a feel of marathon pace. Temp was 33 degrees and ran in my skins ice top, makes things so much cooler, def a worthwhile investment.

Next week I hope to increase the km's significantly with the aim for the following week to be up around the 100km mark. At this stage I'm likely to forego Matilda Bay run but if I do decide to run it, will not race it but treat it as a tempo to marathon pace run.


Epi said...

Great to see things coming along so quickly. You shouldn't have really lost anything from this time off

I'm still intending on racing Matilda Bay - see you there!

Sling Runner said...

Great to hear you've resumed running again.

Is Skins Ice really that good? Might try one given the harsh conditions over here.

trailblazer777 said...

well done on getting the running started again, all the best with building things up again...hopefully might see you at matilda bay...