Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bit of a struggle

After a great week 2 weeks ago, the last couple of weeks have not lived up to goals and have been low on the km's where the long runs have been cut short.

Week ended 16th Mar 33k@4:54
Came down with virus Mon arvo leaving me with a virus that included vommiting,headaches and cold , had 4 days off of work.

Sat 8k@4:51 Easy run to see how I was feeling after illness
Sun 25k@4:55 Mid long run with Craig

Week ended 23rd Mar 68.5k@4:44
Happy with week in general where a couple of runs were done at Marathon pace. Unfortunately was hoping to do a long run of 35k, however dodgey tummy I think from pizza at footy made running quite uncomfortable and only 22k in total. Had a bit of a scare with the groin during the week and a trip to the physio and some ultrasound has assisted there. Hamstring still suss on the longer runs, will have physio work on this on Tues when I'm there as well as the groin and have a deep tissue massage scheduled for Fri

Wed 7k@4:45
Thurs am 11.25k@4:32 Marathon pace
Thurs pm 7.25k@4:51
Fri pm 12.75k@4:42 Last 7k run at Marathon Pace
Sat pm 8.25k@4:41
Sun am 22k@4:50 Mid long run with Craig

Where that leaves me I'm not sure, I was hoping to have done a few more 30+k runs, have done 4, have I done enough and should I do another one? Also my first 10 weeks of my marathon plan had me averaging in the mid 80's, the last 7 weeks have been only 70 so have I pushed myself too hard and now suffering?

From a positive perspective, the average pace and k's stack up well with previous attempts at the Marathon.

Number of long runs in last 17 weeks
30k+ 4
25-29k 6
20-25k 13

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