Monday, January 19, 2009

Bit of a struggle

Struggled a bit with not getting into a proper routine, maybe from being on holidays and so my runs were done at all different times. Kept on putting off my running and was coming up with excuses not to run but managed to get there in the end.

Week in Summary 95k@4:48

Tues am Run at 11am 8k@4:51
pm Intervals at 5.30 pm 4*1600m in 5.55-5.58 with 3 min break. Warmup and Cooldown had session at 13km. Ran with Craig but couldn't keep up, he is running exceptionally well, pace was even throughout the 1600m and found first 800m of each as hard as second 800m. Pleased with effort as aim was to do all in under 6min ie 3:45 pace.

Wed 6pm run 10.25k@4:55 Recovery run

Thurs 10am run 11.3k@4:46
Fri 7pm run 11.5k@4:40
Sat 7pm run 8.3k@4:49
Sun 7 am run 32.65k@5:00 Run with Craig, both decided from start to take it a lot easier than normal as both of us seemed to be a bit tired and it was quite humid. Good to run larger portion of Bold Park and then Hale Road so some decent hills encountered. Felt the right hip on downhill on Hale Road for a bit, slowed running last 5k of my own but very happy to get this run done and no issues with Piriformis.

13 weeks to go to Canberra, have a fair bit of work to do but feel in better shape than last year at the same time. Need to start getting some medium long runs in and some tempo runs.

1 comment:

Sling Runner said...

95k week and you call it a struggle !

I think the 4 x 1600m took a bit out of you. Doing them at around 5k race pace is definitely tough on the body.