Sunday, November 9, 2008

No long run this week

Unfortunately missed out on doing Trail run on Sat am due to being crook, really disappointed that I didn't make it, hopefully there will be another one coming up soon so I can give it a go. Been on boat all day today so decided to have a rest day and will try and do more km's this week than originally planned to make up some of the difference.

Week in Summary 60k@4:34

Mon Recovery Run 7.12k@4:54
Tues Intervals 3k warmup @4:48, 4.6k cooldown @4:52
Intervals 1600m-5:47 3:31 pace
1600m comprising 100m hard, 100m jog *8 - 6:10
1600m-5:47 3:31 pace
Happy with effort as done at aimed pace of 55 VDOT,Craig once again ran really
Wed 10k@4:40 including hills.
Thurs Tempo run, Warmup- 3k@4:45, Cooldown-4k@4:47.
Tempo 5k@4:00 run on slightly hilly course in very windy conditions, happy with effort. Was aiming for 3:56 pace but conditions did not suit.
Fri 10.36k@4:36
Sat 8.05k@4:37.

Still planning on doing Penninsula 5k run on Sunday, although as mentioned previously will do some extra km's, aim will be around the 70-75km mark.


Sling Runner said...

That's a blazing pace for the 1600s.

re: canberra, I have to get permission from my wife first. But will be in Melbourne in March-April.

Anonymous said...

Must agree with Sling runner...very impressive 1600mtrs there.

Are you training for anything in particular, I know you are considering the 6 Inch but anything else. The reason I ask is that after the Busselton Ironman I'm going to have some light weeks over Xmas and then back into full training for the Bunbury next year. It is what to do in between Marathon training programmes I need an answer, I'm thinking of working on 10k time to improve my Marathon time, goal is sub 3 hr next year if I can achieve a sub 3:10 at Busso.


trailblazer777 said...

yeah excellent 1600's!
Hope you get well soon.
If my ankle improves dramatically I might even rock up for the Pen run but unlikely.
Missing a long run one week won't matter that much, you wont lose much in a week, I wouldn't even bother with the extra K's think of it as a chance to freshen up, an easy week if you like. Might need to do some focuesd hills work and trail running if you want to run well at 6 inch. AS I am sure Craig can advise its a very different ballgame offroad. You are on fire as for most of this year though !