Sunday, August 15, 2010

8 weeks to go

Week in Summary 118.6k@4:28

Good solid week of training including Intervals,MP,Tempo and long run. Would like to get in a few more weeks similar to this one.

Mon 13.13k@4:34

Tues 17.14k@4:18 Main part of session was 5*1km with 2 min recovery jogs. Happy with pace and effort.

Warmup and cooldown included some hills.

Warmup 3.5km@4:37

Main part 7.09km@3:55 incl

5*1000m at 3:34 pace average(3:35,3:33,3:34,3:34,3:33).

2 min recoveries @4:47 pace, distances covered 422,415,422,414,417.

Cooldown 6.55km@4:35

Wed 8.5k@4:42

Thurs 21.6k@4:21 incl 11.2k@4:05, approx MP. Was supposed to run Tempo with Biscuitman but right calf was a little sore and legs had little power, so resorted to running at MP. Biscuitman ran well and did his at 3:53's or thereabouts. Warmup 3.4@4:46, cooldown 7k@4:37

Fri 12.5k@4:07 incl 8k@3:51 tempo. Main part of session was 8k@ tempo pace which I ran in my yellow canaries(brooks st2) on a stunning morning, right calf was still a bit tender but a lot better than yesterday. Ran the last km a bit quicker, but other than splits were very even, happy with effort.

warmup 2k@4:40
tempo 8k@3:51 km splits-3:53,3:52,3:53,3:53,3:53,3:52,3:52,3:41.
cooldown 2.5k@4:32

Sat 13.41k@4:37

Sun 32.32k@4:38 2 hr 30 min long run incl 5* MT Yokine Hill Course, which I’m sure is the most I’ve ever done beating a couple of 4* in the past. Good solid long run and a good finish to the week.

Had one powerade along the way and weighed myself before and after the run and had lost 2.2 kgs. Had some choc milk afterwards as a reward for a good long run.


Epi said...

Another great week, going from strength to strength!

Sling Runner said...

yes, that's a solid week/

So which shoes do u like most and plan to wear for MM? kona, fastwitch or st2?

Clown said...

Sling, will prob wear my DS Racers which I've worn for my last two Marathons, although I'm tempted to wear Fastwitch, we'll see. I'll wear the fastwitch for City to Surf Half and run back to Perth and see how they go.

Konas I think I'll just use for 10k races and the ST2 for training only.

trailblazer777 said...

C'mon clown your blog titles are almost as boring as mine...
The st2 shoes sound like the sort of shoes the wooden spooners might train in...sorry thats a bit harsh but so were the umpires on the weekend..1 lousy point...the 5x 1k and 8k @ 3.51 sound excellent. some good mileage there, still on fire for something truly special in melbourne, if the 2.59 wasn't enough already...way to go!

trailblazer777 said...

Excellent long run too! Inspirational stuff. I bit like watching LeCras shoot on goal.

trailblazer777 said...

maybe your mob can knock the kangas out of the finals race...

DB on the run said...

Clocking up the KM’s and the speed as well!
Ill have to reschedule my work sometime for a run!

Clown said...

TB, I hope we lose again and then we get a PP at around pick 26 or so, not as good as previous years, may be worth trading on for a decent player, we need some of them.

DB, would be good to catch up for a run sometime. May also pop down for a JK session sometime over the next few weeks.

trailblazer777 said...

Clown mate, that PP is now even more certain than Tony becoming PM, both will happen though. since my B-mantle or should that be D-mantle team lost by 116, I decided to enjoy every goal D-reo got in the final quarter, then the hawks injuries started flowing and we almost won the quarter! All the best with the half. looks like I might be dropping in for the fool I mean full.

trailblazer777 said...

sorry if any of my comments too harsh, all the best in the Half!!! ???